f. 671, op. 1, d. 273, ll. 993-993ob
Transcription<<Отрывок из чернового варианта книги Ежова Н.И. "От фракционности к открытой контрреволюции".>> Таким образом – смычка с фашизмом. Международная обстановка не разрешает вопросы. Переход к террору. Террор единственный выход. Замешательство рядов (партии) – дискуссии – переход к руководству. Убийство Кирова и попытка убийства Сталина. Особые счеты с Кировым. Исполнители и вдохновители. Общие выводы. Зиновьевская фракция проделала сложный путь от внутрипартийной дискуссии до контрреволюционной организации. В целом это путь предательства интересов рабочего класса и возврат к капитализму. Троцкисты. <<Рукописный текст >> <<A. Getty: Beginning in 1935, N. I. Ezhov, who would become NKVD chief in 1936, began to draft a book on how factionalism and opposition inevitably led to counter-revolution. Here is Ezhov's outline of the book, which he apparently showed to Stalin. Eventually, Ezhov would ask to edit the draft. For Stalin's edits, see RGASPI f. 671, op. 1, d. 273, ll. 1-4, and ll. 35-38. On Stalin and Ezhov, see J. Arch Getty and Oleg V Naumov. Yezhov: The Rise of Stalin's "Iron Fist". (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2008). >> Translation<<An excerpt from a draft version of N.I. Yezhov’s book “From factionalism to open counterrevolution”.>> Thus, there is unity with fascism. The international situation does not permit for questions. A transition to terror. Terror is the only way out. Confusion in the ranks (of the party) — discussions — transition to leadership. The murder of Kirov and attempted assassination of Stalin. Special attitudes against Kirov. Executors and inspirers. Overall conclusions. The Zinovievite faction has made a complicated path from internal party discussion to a counterrevolutionary organization. Overall this is a path of betrayal of the interests of the working class and a return to capitalism. Trotskyists. <<Handwritten text>> <<A. Getty: Beginning in 1935, N. I. Ezhov, who would become NKVD chief in 1936, began to draft a book on how factionalism and opposition inevitably led to counter-revolution. Here is Ezhov's outline of the book, which he apparently showed to Stalin. Eventually, Ezhov would ask to edit the draft. For Stalin's edits, see RGASPI f. 671, op. 1, d. 273, ll. 1-4, and ll. 35-38. On Stalin and Ezhov, see J. Arch Getty and Oleg V Naumov. Yezhov: The Rise of Stalin's "Iron Fist". (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2008). >>