f. 17, op. 163, d. 1153, l. 10
TranscriptionТов. Кагановичу Л. Выписка из протокола № 50 заседания Политбюро ЦК ВКП(б) Решение от. 16.VI.1937 г. 3.- О первом секретаре Западного обкома ВКП(б) 1) Ввиду выяснившихся близких связей первого секретаря Западного обкома ВКП(б) Румянцева И.П. с врагом народа Уборевичем освободить Румянцева от обязанностей первого секретаря Западного обкома ВКП(б). 2) В качестве временного исполняющего обязанности первого секретаря Западного обкома ВКП(б) рекомендовать второго секретаря Московского обкома ВКП(б) Коротченкова Д.С. 3) 3)Тов. Коротченкову вступить в исполнение обязанностей не позднее 19. VI.1937 г. Секретарь ЦК И. Сталин <<A. Getty: The military purge of 1937 spread to party secretaries. Here, I.P. Rumiantsev is removed from Smolensk because of his connection to the arrested General Uborevich. Rumiantsev is to be replaced by Moscow raion secretary Korotchenkov. Many purged regional party secretaries were replaced by Moscow party organization secretaries.>> TranslationTo comrade L. Kaganovich. An excerpt from protocol #50 from a VKP(b) Central Committee meeting Resolution from June 16, 1937. 3.- Regarding first secretary of the Western provincial committee of the VKP(b) 1) In light of the recently discovered close ties between the first secretary of the Western provincial committee of the VKP(b), I. P. Rumiantsev, with the enemy of the people Uborevich, Rumiantsev is to be relieved of his duties as first secretary of the Western provincial committee of the VKP(b). 2) As a temporary deputy to the first secretary of the Western provincial committee of the VKP(b), second secretary of the Moscow provincial committee of the VKP(b) D.S. Korotchenkov is to be recommended.
Central Committee Secretary I. Stalin <<A. Getty: The military purge of 1937 spread to party secretaries. Here, I.P. Rumiantsev is removed from Smolensk because of his connection to the arrested General Uborevich. Rumiantsev is to be replaced by Moscow raion secretary Korotchenkov. Many purged regional party secretaries were replaced by Moscow party organization secretaries.>> |