f. 17, op. 2, d. 621, l. 114
TranscriptionСообщение И.В.Сталина на июньском 1937 г. пленуме ЦК ВКП(б). (Из стенограммы пленума) Сталин. Я должен сообщить, товарищи, что ввиду поступивших неопровержимых данных, касающихся членов ЦК Кадацкого и Чудова и кандидата в члены ЦК Павлуновского, причастных к преступным действиям заговорщиков, их пришлось арестовать. Соответствующие показания Комарова имеются, они будут розданы вам. Придется этих бывших членов ЦК и одного кандидата в Члены ЦК вывести из ЦК. Голоса с мест. Правильно. Андреев. Есть предложение принять это предложен6ие товарища Сталина. Кто за то, чтобы это предложение? Нет. Принято. Сталин. Что касается Пятницкого, проверка идет. Она должно быть на днях будет закончена, передопрос и очная ставка. Андреев. Порядок дня пленума исчерпан. Объявляю заседание пленума ЦК закрытым. ********************************************************************* <<A. Getty: During the June 1937 plenum of the Central Committee, the attrition of CC members continued. Here, Stalin announces the arrest of former Kirov intimates Kadatskii and Chudov. At the same meeting, Stalin supporter Piatnitskii had suddenly condemned the spreading arrests. Stalin announces that the investigation of Piatnitskii will conclude soon. Piatnitskii was eventually found to be an enemy and was executed. >> TranslationAn announcement by I.V. Stalin at the June 1937 Plenum of the Central Committee of the VKP(b). (From a transcript of the plenum) Stalin. I need to announce, comrades, that in light of the irrefutable evidence we have received regarding Central Committee members Kadatsky and Chudov and Central Committee candidate member Pavlunovsky, who were involved in the criminal actions of the conspirators, they had to be arrested. We have Komarov's relevant testimony; it will be provided to you. We will have to expel these former Central Committee members and candidate member from the Central Committee. Voices. That's right. Andreyev. We have a proposal to pass comrade Stalin's proposal. Who is in favor of passing this proposal? [presumably omitted section] No one. The proposal passes. Stalin. When it comes to Piatnitsky, the review is under way. It should be completed in a few days; another questioning and a confrontation. Andreyev. That concludes the agenda for today's plenum. This Central Committee plenum session is closed. ********************************************************************* <<A. Getty: During the June 1937 plenum of the Central Committee, the attrition of CC members continued. Here, Stalin announces the arrest of former Kirov intimates Kadatskii and Chudov. At the same meeting, Stalin supporter Piatnitskii had suddenly condemned the spreading arrests. Stalin announces that the investigation of Piatnitskii will conclude soon. Piatnitskii was eventually found to be an enemy and was executed. >> |