RGVA, f. 9, Op. 29, d. 323, l. 82
Transcription<<Протокол №1 заседания комиссии ПБ ЦК ВКП(б) по организации курсов по усовершенствованию парткадров от 17 апреля 1937 года.>> Присутствовали: т.т.Жданов, Хрущев, Стецкий, Маленков, Яковлев, Угаров, Гамарник, Попов Н.Н., Таль, Ярославский, Поспелов, Акулов, Кнорин, Рубинштейн. О выделении организационной и программно-учебной подкомиссии и ближайшей из работ. а) Выделить организационную подкомиссию в составе т.т.Маленкова (председатель), Хрущева, Угарова, Гамарника, Попова Н.Н., Акулова, Махаровского, Лычева и Брюханенко (с.-х.отд. ЦК), поручив ей подготовить предложения по организации работы курсов (размер курсов, состав курсов, сроки начала, контингент директоров и лекторов курсов, помещения, стипендии учащимся). <<Машинопись. TranslationMinutes No. 1 of the meeting of 17 April 1937 of the commission of the Politburo of the VKP(b) Central Committee for the organization of advanced courses for party cadres. <<Typescript>> The following were present: Cdes. Zhdanov, Khrushchev, Stetsky, Malenkov, Yakovlev, Ugarov, Gamarnik, N. N. Popov, Tal, Yaroslavsky, Pospelov, Akulov, Knorin and Rubinshtein. On detaching an organizational commission and a programmatic and instructional subcommission and on the immediate task. (Cde. Zhdanov) a) An organizational subcommission is to be detached, consisting of Cdes. Malenkov (chairman), Khrushchev, Ugarov, Gamarnik, N. N. Popov, Akulov, Makharovsky, Lychev and Bryukhanenko (agric. dept. of the CC), and charged with preparing recommendations for organizing the courses (the length of the courses, the makeup of the courses, the start dates, the contingent of directors and lecturers of the courses, classrooms, stipends for students). A programmatic and instructional-methods subcommission is to be detached, consisting of Cdes. Stetsky (chairman), Zhdanov, Yakovlev, Tal, Knorin, N. N. Popov, Yaroslavsky, Pospelov, Rubinshtein and Broido (manager of Partizdat [Party Publishing House]), and charged with preparing recommendations on programmatic and instructional matters (programs, curricula, textbooks, visual aids, ancillary literature, etc.). b) The subcommissions are to submit the first report to the commission by 25.4 of this year. c) Cdes. Stetsky and Malenkov are charged with distributing to members of the commission all the material they have regarding programmatic, instructional and organizational matters (current programs in the party education network, curricula, popular textbooks, in particular A. Leont’ev’s textbook Nachal’nyi kurs pol. ekonomii [Introductory Course to Political Economy], staffing plans, etc.). CHAIRMAN – ZHDANOV. <<Brandenberger: Gamarnik’s diary contains an entry for 17.04.1937 saying, “From 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. meetings of Cde. Zhdanov’s commission.” See RGVA, f. 9, op. 29, d. 313, l. 27. >> |