Your access to the SDA is not currently recognized. Please follow the below steps to ensure that you are able to access the archive and its contents.
STEP 1. If your institution has already requested free trial access, please check the header of the screen. You should see the text "Access provided by [Institution]" written in the center of the header (See Screenshots 1 and 2 below for an example of this message).

Screenshot 2: SDA Header with Institutional Access - Detail

STEP 2. If you are sure that your institution has requested a free trial access and you still do not see this access message, please log in to your institutional VPN or relocate to another computer within your institution's network. Once you see that access message, you will be able to register your own personal MySDA account and access the archive's contents. Please click here to learn more about the MySDA account.
STEP 3. If you would like to request institutional trial access to the site, please send an email to